Some Third-Party Programs May Prevent the Login Process: According to the survey, Vipre Internet Security and other 3 rd party security software can trigger this particular error since these programs have a tendency of stopping access to the login service.
Third-Party Programs Conflict: Some types of programs or services may conflict with the login process.
System Files Corruption: This error message may be caused by one particular file (NTUSER.dat) with potential corruption.
According to the reports we gathered and investigated, here are possible causes that bring the failure to display security and shutdown options Windows 10. The error message “failure to display security and shutdown options” often appears when pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del keys or trying to restart/shutdown the system. Probable Causes for Failure to Display Security and Shutdown Options
How to Fix “Probable Causes for Failure to Display Security and Shutdown Options” Error.
Probable Causes for Failure to Display Security and Shutdown Options.